Sunday, 6 November 2011

Take a shoe box.....

Take a shoe box

 Decorate in Christmas paper

Add some goodies

and necessities

and pop the lid on.... 

Operation Christmas Child was started in 1990 by David Cooke.  Shoe boxes are decorated and filled, taken to a drop off point, collected and shipped away to places like Albania, Croatia, Romania, Serbia etc.  In 2010 1.12 million shoe boxes were taken from the UK alone.
What a wonderful way to give a little extra to children who wouldn't otherwise receive
anything at all.


Mari said...

We've done that - it's a fun way to bring joy to a child. It's amazing what you can fit in a shoe box!

Elizabethd said...

Lovely to see a post from you today!
We filled our shoeboxes at church last month, ready for someone to take them to UK. It's a 'job' I love doing.

Carol said...

It is isn't it...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I like to take part in this, too! It's such a great idea...and fun to put together! ♥