Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Victorian Weekend...

After our stay at Conwy, we visited Llandudno on the way home. It was their Victorian Celebration and all the streets were decorated with flags and Victorian memorabilia. There were street theatres, clowns, a fair, steam rollers and ladies and gentlemen all dress as Victorians walking around the crowds.  The atmosphere was truly happy and it was a great day. The sun was shining and everyone was smiling!  And I had my first ride on a Big Wheel (although I was told it wasn't really a 'big' wheel, but it was big enough for me!!)
See, it was as high as the roof tops!!
Glad my toes weren't in the way of this monster!!

All the lovely old prams!

Good fun had by all.


no spring chicken said...

What a wonderful celebration. I love the prams!!

Blessings, Debbie

Elizabethd said...

What a lovely festival to visit. I had one of those prams...well, a similar one, for my first baby!
You are brave going up in a wheel, even a not very big one. I couldnt do it!