Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Time to start making Christmas cards and gift tags!
I'm not the most talented crafter on the earth - I tend to have this wonderful picture in my mind of superb cards, tags and gifts I'll be making, but when they turn out.... oh my, what a difference!!!
Some people like my lovely mum are so gifted at crafts, but never mind - there's lots of love that goes into what I make so hopefully people will see through the childlike cards and gifts and see the love with which they're sent.  Which of course, is what's it's all about.


Mari said...

I used to make all my Christmas cards, but it just was so time consuming. I know that I really appreciate them when I get them!

Elizabethd said...

Show us some photos Carol! I love receiving handmade cards, they somehow embody the spirit of those who haave made them.