I am pleased that we are all still here and the world hasn't ended as predicted by some!
What does sadden me is the way in which so many people let themselves be decived into believing that 21st May 2011 was going to be it... The end of the world.
My bible tells me that no one, not even the angels, know the day or the hour that Christ will return and the end will come. It tells me of prophesies that have completed and of those yet to come to pass and so I am sad that it seems that these people have not searched the scriptures for themselves and seen this truth. Although, they probably believe they have.
I am praying for these people who are probably confused at this time. God is not the author of confusion. He is a God of love, truth forgiveness, grace and mercy and these people need Him at this time to reveal His truth to them. I pray that God will bless them.
Quite agree with you Carol...who can possibly predict God's work?
Great post. You are exactly right, and I too am praying for the confused.
By the way- Smores are roasted marshmallows and a piece of chocolate sandwiched between two graham crackers! YUMMMM!!!
Praying that these that were deceived do not turn away from God, but seek someone who will show them the Bible truth.
Glad that we can join together and pray for these people - and yes to also pray that they don't turn away from God. Good point.
Smores sound absolutely delicious - will have a try at making them! Thanks
You are so right about marking the day of the End, but I sure am looking forward to be with the Lord and to have a new body and be rid of this body that is so bent to sin. What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. I shall look upon His face, the one that saved me by His Grace. And, forever we will be, with the one who died for me. What a day, wonderful day that will be!
Amen sister!
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