We have known each other since we were 13 and were extremely close until we reached our early 30's when we suddenly and for no particular reason started to drift apart. New people came into our lives, different work commitments, etc meant that we eventually and sadly lost touch.
My friend was always such an inspiration to me - she was the one who reached for the stars and grabbed them with both hands, while I just stood and admired them from a distance.
She was the one who knew exactly what she wanted and how she was going to get it, no obstacle was too big that it couldn't be got over. I was the one who always erred on the side of caution and was far to shy to take chances without any guarantees of success attached.
If we were to be compared to the tortoise and the hare, she was definitely the hare!! And a beautiful one - inside and out.
It has been a delight to 'chat' on the airwaves and from seeing a couple of photos and reading a couple of news articles of her, on the surface she seems to be a very successful business woman and charity fund raiser, mixing with TV stars and other famous people and I am enormously pleased for her.
But what has pleased me the most is this........
I do sometimes wonder how much I have grown since becoming a Christian in 1997. I do grow in my knowledge and understanding of the scriptures, but how much have I grown as a person?
This week, having had a very brief insight into the success and glamour of my dear friend I realise that I don't want what she has or want to be like her.
I am content in who I am. In who I am in Christ.
There was a time that I wouldn't have been able to say this. There was a time that I strived to be someone I really wasn't - I'd dress a certain way; have my hair a certain way; go to places I wouldn't normally go, etc, etc and all this was to simply "fit-in" with other peoples way of life. Their lifestyle. The thing was, I never felt that I did fit in, I always felt odd or that there was something missing, not right.
But it is only in these last couple of days that I fully realise that "I am who I am " and that's it. I don't have to fit in. I can wear what I want, do my hair the way I want and not go places which make me feel uncomfortable (not that I've done this for a while now but I'm just trying to make a point.)
If I do a fund raising event and raise £265 and my friend does one and raises just over £9,000 - so what. It doesn't mean that she is better than me. It does mean that we were both doing something to help others less fortunate that we are.
I think I have always felt that I wasn't good enough - what I did wasn't good enough, what I said wasn't good enough, etc - not in a floppy pathetic way, just something I observed in myself.
But this week all that changed - Praise God. And I realise how much I have grown and how my relationship with God and the life He chooses for me is far more important and tangible than anything else.
I am extremely proud of all my friend has achieved and I hope and pray that our friendship will grow from here and become 'real' rather than 'over the Internet airways'. I am excited at the prospect of seeing her again.
But I am also extremely thankful that I can say, with Paul,
"..... for I have learned in whatever state I am in, to be content"
Philippians 4 v 11
I am content in who I am. With who I am in Christ.
Contentment in Christ brings great freedom.
Philippians 4 v 11
I am content in who I am. With who I am in Christ.
Contentment in Christ brings great freedom.
It is lovely to re connect with people who have meant a lot in your life. sometimes though, I've found that there is nothing in common, sadly.
Happy to hear that you connected with an old friend again . . that always makes me happy when it happens to me.
Just recently I reconnected with an old friend by his obituary, this was an old boss of mine (he was in his late 50's and I was only 21 maybe, thirty years ago)he was just a good, kind person to work for). I was happy to find him on the internet but so sad to hear that he passed away. He lived a good long life. He was always real active in his faith and church, and that's what gave me real peace is that he knew God. As Christians, we learn to let our worldly spirits die so we can have kingdom living . . yes, it's a different way of looking at things but so much more fulfilling and a whole lot easier. God Bless!
Hello, Carol. Thank you for your kind words about our granddaughter. She's our first, and we love her to pieces.
Glad to meet you.
I love phil.4:11!!!! that's how I want to live.contentment and
storing up treasures in Heaven.
Thank you for sharing this post.It was so real.
never forget to keep the faith!!!!! I think we should always remind each other that, as we walk down that very narrow path.
I've been a Christian for many years and I've seen so many fall away.
Times can get hard but that verse you posted(phil 4:11) is something we all need to grab hold of.
Oh, and thanks for your sweet comment, friend.If you are ever in Texas...that's where you can stay!
( funny...the word verification said...bessesed. Blessed???)
You are a dear friend indeed!!! You have inspired me . . . even though you are in England and I am in the US and we have never met in person, I feel like I have known you forever. You and I are sisters in Christ, and you are right my friend what we have in HIM is more precious than gold.
It is my dream to visit England one day, if I ever do my friend you will be the first person I would like to greet at the airport.
God bless you and I love you.
Your sister in Christ,
So glad you reconnected with a friend, but more important that you realise what a precious gem you are to Him. And perhaps, just perhaps you can be a witness and a shining example for your friend, that she might come to know Christ. That is what I am praying for.
until next time... nel
There is nothing better than being content, and KNOWING who has you in his hand! It's very neat to reconnect with old friends, it does help us to see how much we ourselves have grown! Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed day in Jesus!
I had a similar Facebook experience even though I've since left that network. I was able to reconnect with some friends I had lost touch with so now we email. It's a blessing to discover how we each had grown in our faith through the years.
i too have found some long-lost dear friends courtesy of facebook. yay!
glad all is well.
LOVE the Scripture....and wednesday post - LOL...socks that are, well, too unique to be paired with any other. *wink*
"I am content in who I am. With who I am in Christ. Contentment in Christ brings great freedom."
I think these two sentences say it all. Thank you for the great post!
Carol, it is always wonderful to see friends again.
I am glad that you find your contentment in Christ. He truly blesses us beyond measure and all we need to do is see what He has placed in our lives and brought us through.
Thank you for your encouraging words about you and your friend.
Blessings & hugs,
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