Friday, 15 April 2011

Yet another weekend

Where has this weeek gone already! When did time fly by so quickly.  I'd like to say I've been "fruitful" this week instead of "busy", but I think it was a mixture really.
We went to friends on Wednesday for an evening meal and had a great time talking about alsorts of things and enjoying a lovely meal together.
This weekend I'm going to see my gorgeous little nephews and I can't wait. I'm so excited I could burst!  Aren't they just the most gorgeous little men you've ever seen!! My mum and neice (the two beauties here) are also travelling with us, so I'm really looking forward to us all being together and having a great time with lots of giggles!!
Have a great weekend everyone!


Elizabethd said...

How lovely to be with family. Have a wonderful time and enjoy every moment.

Cherdecor said...

Awww! Sweet little kids!