Sunday, 13 March 2011

Spring is on the way!!!

I love the first signs of spring when the crocus start springing up from the earth and especially the daffodils.  After Lillies, these are my favourite flower (although I don't like the smell of them!)

 (photo by Allposters)

I love the fact that Spring seems to bring with it a sense of cleaning out the cobwebs of Winter and making clear the way for new seasons.  Hence the reason I haven't blogged much this week - I'm having a good clear out and organising all things that need to be organised, like paperwork.  My recycle bin is almost full now of what I've sorted out, read and disposed of.

I've been reading about Joseph and how he was lead by the Lord to  prepare for famine and although I don't think I could get my head around storing a seven year supply of food and household necessities, I am at least going to start with a 3 months supply.  Prices are increasing at an alarming rate and I think it makes sense to be prepared incase things get abit out of hand.  Is the Lord my supplier?  Absolutely yes. But He uses people to help people and so if I am prepared for me and my family, I will hopefully also be in a position to be used by the Lord to help others too.

Hope everyone is happy, healthy and praising the Lord.


Buttercup said...

We're seeing the first shoots of spring flowers here, too, and what a pleasure it is. Take care and enjoy Sunday!

Elizabethd said...

I've never seen so many daffodils as were in Cornwall this week...a joyous sight!
I so agree, food prices are mounting frighteningly.

Rae said...

I'm hearing this "prepare" all over the place, I too have started my 3 months suppy! But we have hurricanes and it's something most of us gulf coasters plan for. Good Wisdom anyway.
Have a lovely spring!!