Saturday, 5 February 2011

Well, my bread making plans haven't materialised yet! Last Saturday was meant to the 'the day', but instead we had the pleasure of looking after our grandson Jack who is one month old! Much better than making bread.

Then, today I ended up looking after my hubby who has had a bit of an accident with his eyes. 'Welders flash' is something you can experience when you're a mechanic doing welding on the bottom of cars, or exhaust, etc and having spent four hours at the local A&E and then a further 2 hours at the eye hospital, the extraction of a hidden piece of metal, plus having to apply an eye ointment which is almost impossible to extract from the tube, I'm thankful to say that hubby can at least now open his eyes. So things are getting better. Praise the Lord.

Maybe next Saturday I can have a go at bread making! Might try a heart shaped loaf ready for valentines day!!


Elizabethd said...

Oh dear, that sounds very painful. Hope he continues to get better.

Rae said...

So sorry to hear about your mister.
I sure that heart shaped bread will make him feel better! I know homemade bread always makes me feel good.

Carol said...

Thank you ladies for your kind words. He is thankfully on the mend.

Emily said...

Oh Carol, I am sorry that Mike has been dealing with this. I will keep him in my prayers. Let me know if you find a good bread recipe. I am still searching for one! xoxo

Carol said...

Thanks Emily. I'll keep you posted both on the eyes and the bread!!