Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Buscuits and visions

It's been said that I make nice biscuits and cakes, for which I'm grateful.
However, decoration has never been my strong point!!  I have a vision in my head of how the finished item will look, be it a biscuit, cake, homemade card or even present wrapping, but
oh my goodness........ the finished article is never a patch on my vision!! Lol!!!
Nevertheless, these biscuits tasted very nice!


Elizabethd said...

I too have a vision of the finished article. It rarely works!

Mari said...

They look cute and if they tasted good - that's what counts!

Grace on the Narrow Path said...

The biscuits here in America would be called cookies. I love the difference in our language.
Blessings my friend.

Carol said...

Cookies sound a little more exciting than 'biscuits'. I too like the language differences - you say tom-a-toe and we say to-mar-toe! It's great.
Thanks Mari - they did taste delicious! and Elizabeth glad it's not just me then!!
Bless you all and thanks for your comments

Bee Jay said...

Thanks for your kind comment on my page Carol. It was so kind of you to pop in. Those bikkies look absolutely delicious! Blessings!

Cherdecor said...

BeeJay calls them bikkies! How cute! Your biscuits (cookies) look very yummy! I love the differences in language too.

Buttercup said...

They look yummy, which is really what counts with cookies!