Thursday, 21 August 2008

The storms of life

The storms of life can be extremely large in our lives, but to the Lord they are only small.
This week has been a horrible week. Something has happened that has brought devastation to our family and it has been very hard to see the hand of my Lord.
I say to Him, "Where are you in all this Lord? Why are you letting this happen - can't you stop it?"
However, just because I don't understand why things happen, or what's going on doesn't mean that He is not there. I am reminded of the Footprints story, whereby the writer cannot see the Lord because he is being carried by Him as he walks through the storm.
And that is where Jesus is - carrying me through this storm.
No matter how hard it is, His Grace is sufficient.


Emily said...

My heart goes out to you Carol. You are in my prayers.

Love you!

Carol said...

Thank you Emily.
Love you too - you are a very dear friend.

Elizabethd said...

It is amazing how the Lord bringgs us through these terrible times. Praying for you.

Carol said...

Thank you for your prayers Elizabeth. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Anonymous said...

Carol, I am praying for you. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. :)
Love & blessings,
Miriam xx