Friday 25 July 2008

This is the day...

Friday! Can you believe it, already the end of the working week?!?! I work five days a week but I have a day off today and IT'S SUNSHINING!!!
Bible study enjoyed.
Washing done, on the line; another wash load in the washer waiting for the first lot to dry.
Bins out. Recycling box and bag out.
Floors swept.
Pots washed.
My son asked me why do women have days holiday from work and do housework??
However, I am blessed to have eyes to read my Bible.
I am blessed to have clothes; towels; sheets to wash and a washer to do them in
I am blessed to be able to put out the rubbish and have people to come and collect it
I am blessed to have floors to sweep
I am blessed to have pots to wash because it meant that I had food to put on them
I am blessed to have a son who askes me questions and helps me to the many blessings the Lord has given me.
Thank you for your blessings Lord


Elizabethd said...

What a busy day!
how true, we can always see the blessings in the day when we stop to think about them.

Anonymous said...

I saw your comment on Lynn's blog. I thought I would pop over for a visit to your blog.
I love it! It is cosy and welcoming.
Be blessed,

Carol said...

Thank you Miriam for your warm encouragement. It's lovely to receive such lovely comments.I hope you'll visit again. Carol x

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had such a productive day. It's good to do housework with a thankful heart and I'd much rather do housework at home than go out to work!
Have a lovely weekend! x

Carol said...

Phoebe, I just love having time off work to stay at home and look after it. And to enjoy my home as well.
I am asking the Lord to help us financially so that we can be in a position for me to work just a few hours a week. There is just so much that I want to do and sometimes I feel that work gets in the way. Although I dont take my full time job for granted and I do enjoy and fully appreciate it. I also realise that I am blessed to be able to work.
Will let you what happens!!
Carol x